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resilient the community is and how quickly have they adapted . Maori as a community,
                      especially the contemporary Maori community mainly focused on classification based on
                      monetary (Economic) and non-monetary (Social and environmental) values than tangible
                      and intangible elements showing us how much they understood the value of equality
                      between al three factors (i.e the social, economic and the environmental factors). The Maori
                      Tribe is extremely adaptable, and in the contemporary times have even used, their
                      surroundings to their advantage. They have even used technology to understand and analyze
                      the different issues pertaining to their ecosystem, by various means (For example, using
                      CHI (Cultural Health Indicators) which focuses on the different cultural and heritage sites
                        Thesis Report V-SPARC VIT
                      and even focuses on understanding Flora and Fauna of the region, Similarly other factors
                      like Wetland indicators and Mauri assessment model all have been used, to understand their
                      ecosystems and develop accordingly).The Major Maori aspirations or main goals are mainly
                      focused towards aspects of Human capacity and Resource Capacity. Human Capacity for
                      Maori Tribe majorly refers to the human participation taking place within the community
                      and the Resource capacity refers to how resources are allocated among the Maori tribe
                      efficiently, while conserving the ecosystem it exists in (Harmsworth & Awatere, 2013).

                      This example of the Maori tribe shows us how a community based on their customs and
                      culture have adapted according to the surrounding change in their environment. Utilising
                      this principle of people and culture adapting with the local context rather than making sites
                      adapt to people, we can generate a holistic well formulated and well-functioning design.

                      2.4.odes And Standards
                      Design has to be done according to different rules and regulations needed as per the site
                      which has been noted down here according to various guide books. The codes and standards
                      mentioned were taken in flexibly as the designed had been focused on giving it a more
                      Sustainable impact rather than just following in the rules (I.e Sustainable Principles get
                      priority first before Code and Standards) . So, based on that some of the typical rules and
                      regulations used are as follows (NBC 2016)(KMBR 2023)

                                 Table 1: In terms of Site Conditions (Source: NBC 2016, KMBR 2023

                       Rules                          Number                To Site
                       FSI (For Residential Type) 2 (for residential)
                       Coverage                       65%                   16.25 acres


                       Setback (per residential unit)
                       Road width                     10 m+ road

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