Page 6 - Conduct Rules for Employees
P. 6


               6. 2    Procedure to be followed in conducting enquiries:

                   1.  Introduction :-
                       None of the provisions  contained herein-below shall  apply to proceedings before the Internal
                       Complaints  Committee constituted under the provisions of the Sexual Harassment in Workplace

                       (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013, except to the extent specifically provided for.
                   2.  Misconduct :-
                       a.  Any act of deviation or transgression from an established Code of Conduct as contained in the

                          HR Manual is a ‘Misconduct’.  An employee may be punished for misconducts as more fully
                          contained in this Manual.
                       b.  A Misconduct committed within the premises or  the precincts of the Institute shall be  acted

                          upon. Any misconduct committed outside the premises but has a direct nexus to the
                          employment, shall also be proceeded with.
                   3.  Charge Memo :-

                       a.  Disciplinary action shall be initiated with issuance of Charge Memorandum which shall broadly
                          contain the allegations intended to be proceeded.
                       b.  Where the employee is not conversant in English, it shall be provided for in vernacular. The

                          Charge Memorandum may be issued by the Registrar of the Institute; the Dean of respective
                          schools or such other officer as may be duly authorized.
                   c.  When Charges are admitted:- The condition precedent to the exercise of power of dispensing with

                       the services of an employee on the ground of misconduct, is holding of enquiry for the purpose of
                       establishing  the misconduct by recording  evidence  at an enquiry. When Law  requires  that a
                       particular thing should be done in a particular manner it impliedly prohibits the doing of the same

                       in any other manner. Hence, despite  admission  of guilt, the enquiry has to be conducted and
                       completed as more fully contained herein.
                   d.  When charges are not admitted:- On receipt of the Charge Memo, when the reply of the Delinquent

                       is found unsatisfactory and the employee is to be punished, Enquiry should be conducted and such
                       decision shall be informed to the employee in writing. Such notice of enquiry shall reveal the name
                       of the Enquiry Officer /Committee, date and the venue of enquiry, which normally is within the
                       premises of the Institute.

                   e.  Right of presentation: Except under  exceptional  circumstances to be recorded  in writing, the
                       Employee does not have  a right to be represented by a Legal  counsel or  a co-employee or an

                       outsider in the Enquiry.

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