Page 3 - Conduct Rules for Employees
P. 3


                       4.   Theft, fraud or dishonesty in connection with VIT’s business or property or theft of another
                           Employee’s property or theft of any kind.
                       5.   Taking or giving bribes or any other illegal gratifications whatsoever.

                       6.   Habitual absence from work without permission or absence without permission for a period
                           exceeding three consecutive working days.
                           (a) On the fourth day the Registrar’s Office will send out the First Show cause Notice advising

                           the Employee to report back immediately on receipt of the Registrar’s communication.
                           (b) If the Employee does not report back after the First Show cause Notice, the Second and the
                           Third show cause Notice would be dispatched with a week’s interval in between the Second

                           and the Third Show Cause Notice.
                           (c) Even after the Third Show Cause Notice, if the Employee fails to report back, the Registrar’s
                           Office would take necessary approvals from the Management and the Employee’s name would

                           be removed  from the Rolls of the Institute,  thereby terminating him  from  the services  in
                           accordance with these Rules.
                       7.   Frequent or Habitual late attendance.

                       8.   Habitual breach or gross and deliberate violation of any standing orders, or any law applicable
                           to the Institute or any rules made there under.
                       9.   Collecting contributions for any purpose whatsoever at any time in the Establishment without

                           the permission of the Registrar.
                       10.  Engaging in trade within the Establishment without the written permission of the Registrar.
                       11.  Drunkenness or riotous, disorderly, indecent or improper behavior, use of abusive language,

                           threatening, intimidating,  coercing other Employees or interfering with the  work of other
                           Employees, assault or threat of assault either provoked or otherwise within the Institute or the
                           commission of any act subversive of good and proper behavior within the Institute.
                       12.  Commission of any act or conduct subversive of discipline of VIT whether within the premises

                           or outside in connection with VIT’s work.
                       13.  Habitual negligence or neglect of work.

                       14.  Habitual breach of  any  rules or instructions  for  the maintenance and operation of  any
                           department or the maintenance of the cleanliness of any portion of the Establishment.
                       15.  Damages, whether willful or due to irresponsible  action or  damage due to negligence  or
                           carelessness  to work in  process or to any property of the VIT or within  the VIT or any

                           instigation or abetment thereof.

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