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4.5. Inference
Site I Site II
Mananchira Square and Kootulli Near Kozhikode Bypass
Cultural Significance: The strategic location of the evolving
Thesis Report V-SPARC VIT
area near Calicut city, with a national
Mananchira is rich in history and highway nearby, promises
intangible cultural elements. The comprehensive development and
proposed cultural space aligns well enhanced connectivity.
with the city's historical significance,
offering an opportunity to enhance Scenic vistas add to the site's allure,
and preserve its cultural identity. while environmentally conscious
development, utilizing barren land
Community Engagement: without cutting trees, ensures
sustainable progress.
The congestion and lack of organized
spaces in Mananchira present a need However, the region's slow
for well-designed communal areas. development, lack of heritage value,
The project, with its focus on plain surroundings, and limited
inclusivity and community nearby facilities suggest it may not be
engagement, directly addresses this the most suitable site for the proposed
need, providing a solution for cultural space.
residents and visitors.
While the project could serve as an
Literary Heritage: initial catalyst for development,
potential disruptions to the
Given Kozhikode's UNESCO City of residential ambiance, uncertain
Literature status and its literary space, and the likelihood of delays in
traditions, your emphasis on creating area development raise concerns
a space that celebrates literary about its appropriateness.
heritage aligns with the city's cultural
aspirations. The proposed literary Considering the community impact, it
museum further contributes to appears that Kootulli in Kozhikode
preserving and showcasing this may not align seamlessly with the
unique aspect of Kozhikode. proposal for a cultural space.
Economic and Cultural Growth: