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in between to make the viewer relax while walking through the gallery areas. These breakout
areas can also double in as rest areas/ Interactive space. The common courtyard also helps in
bringing in more interaction between people and makes it an interesting space to be in during
different periods of time. All the workshop rooms have an open section as well so that in case
if the person is dealing with toxic based substances or even if people want to make the
workshop more open, they can utilize it.
6.5. rket Area
The market area is the region where the goods produced from the workshop as well as the
Thesis Report V-SPARC VIT
excess crops from the food forest are taken in and sold off. This area acts in as a temporary
market for vendors to set up and various sheds have been designed in the area so as to
provide in the market/ essential goods whenever it is needed/ required. This area also acts in
as the public communal space and can bring in the people from the around the area (the
public) to the region, promoting a way of living which is healthier and more communal in
6.6. ay-Care
Figure 63: Ground Floor Plan-Day-Care (Source: author)
Figure 64: Section A-A’ (Source: author) Figure 65: Side Elevation (Source: author