Page 11 - SMEC-Newsletter-14th-Edition
P. 11


                        Expert                                Title               Industry/Organization

          Dr. Kartik Kumar,                     Distributed Manufacturing – best of  Saint Gobain R&D,
          Deputy Director                       both worlds                        Chennai
          Mr. Sudershan S Gusain,               Tyre usage & safety                Indian Tyre Technical
          Project Coordinator                                                      Advisory Committee
                                                                                   (ITTAC), New Delhi
          Mr. P. Sivarama Krishna,              Introduction of Operation of 500 MW  NTPC Ltd.
          General Manager(Operations &          Thermal  Power   Station  Thermal  NTECL, Chennai
          Maintenance)                          Engineering Aspects
          Mr. Kalpak Iyer,                      Micro  Machining  Techniques:  A   Tequity Engineering,
          Director                              Hybrid Manufacturing Approach      Mumbai
          Mrs. Kshama Jain,                     Thermodynamics and application in  Kehems Group, Indore
          Managing Director                     Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning
                                                and Refrigeration Basics
          Mr. K. Rama Manohar                   Overview  of  steam  turbine  and  L&T Energy,
                                                Construction methods               Baroda, Gujarat

          Mr. Prawal Jain,                      COMSOL Multiphysics: Understanding  COMSOL, Multiphysics
          Application Engineer                  its  capabilities  for  mechanical  Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru.
          Dr. Adrija Khan,                      Marketing Process: The Wheel of    InMobi, Bangalore
          Senior Associate (Marketing  & Strategy)  Fortune
          Dr. Sudha Mokkapati,                  Optoelectronics at the Nanoscale and  Monash University,
          Associate Professor                   Devices                            Australia
          Mr. Prateek Shrivastava,              Importance of patents for start-ups  PNA Intellectual
          Patent Attorney & Founder                                                Property & Technology
                                                                                   Attorneys, Gwalior
          Dr. Anand Mukhopadhyay,               Interaction and open house discussion  Mathworks, Bangalore
          Customer Success Engineer             with MathWorks
          Dr. Souvick Chatterjee,
          Team Lead- Customer Success Engineer
          Dr. M. Thirugnanasambandam, Associate   Energy Audit – What?Why?How? and  GSH India Private
          Director (Energy),                    By Whom?                           Limited- Chennai.


                        Expert                              Title                  Industry/Organization
           Dr. Ragavanantham Shanmugam,       Paper to Product – A RECAP on Design   Navajo Technical
           Associate Professor                Fundamentals                       University, Mexico
           Dr. Sunith Bandaru (Docent)        Industrial Applications of Multi   University of Skovde,
           Associate Professor                Objective Optimization             Sweden

           Dr. Sunith Bandaru (Docent)        Multi-Objective optimization in the   University of  Skovde,
           Associate Professor                context of Industry 4.0            Sweden

           Mr. Noor Mohammed,                 Introduction to HVAC in Construction  Almuftah Contracting Co.
           Project Manager & Maintenance Head  line, (Digital scroll VRF/VRV system,  W.L.L  DOHA-QATAR
                                              Smoke extract & Ionization system
           Dr. Sudha Mokkapati,               Optoelectronics at the Nanoscale and  Monash University,
           Associate Professor                Devices                            Australia
           Dr. Sandeep Sahu                   Microstructure   and   mechanical  University of
           Royal Society International Fellow  properties of additive manufactured  Southampton, UK.
  11                                          and   severely  deformed    multi-
                                              materials structures
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