Page 29 - Annual Report-2023-2024
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Mr. Mehul Kumar (20BME0301) attended a summer
school at RWTH Aachen from July 2 to July 23, 2023.
During the program, he got the opportunity to
program the Mitsubishi RH3 robot using the
software and the robot controller, in addition to
academic experience.
He is currently starting his Master’s program in
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the
University of California, San Diego (UCSD),
specializing in Robotics and Bio-Inspired Surfaces.
Mr.Neelansh Garg (20BME0282), Ms. Aashna Chopra
(20BME0617), Mr. Selvaraj Balachandran (20PHD2079)
have successfully completed their semester abroad
program from Fontys University, Netherlands under
Erasmus + scheme during September 01 and
November 28, 2023.
Mr. Rama Aravinth K V (20BME0105) was awarded a DAAD-WISE fellowship for two
months (June - August 2023) to conduct research studies at RWTH Aachen
University's IAM Institute.
Under the supervision of Professor Bernd Markert (Institute director - IAM), he was
involved in research on the Molecular Dynamics of Silica Aerogel and Molecular
Level Simulation studies of Chip Formation Mechanism. The DAAD covered the
entire cost of the internship and trip.
Mr. P. Arunkumar (21BMM0065) visited the University College London, UK from
03/06/2024 to 27/06/2024 as student ambassador for the British Council Sponsored
Project under Going Global Partnership 2023 Grant.
Furthermore, he has been offered the Visiting Student Opportunity to carry out
short-term research for 17 days in Cranfield University under the guidance of Dr.
Supriyo Ganguly and Dr. Sonia Meco
Renowned "Mitacs Globalink" fully funded Summer Research Internship in Canada
from May to August 2024.
Name of the Reg. No. Name of the University Supervisor Topic
Mr. Dhanush 21BMA0074 McGill University Dr. Changhong Cao Additive manufacturing of battery
Mr. Shivanshu 21BMM0063 University of Calgary Dr. Simon Park Design, Fabrication and
Kolluru Manufacturing of Nanocomposites
Innovative Buckling Restrained
Ms. Ishwarya 21BME0022 Universitè Laval Dr. Charles-Darwin Brace (BRB) Component for Seismic
Sampath Annan Resistance