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mumbai &
manori recreation
& social
a. demographics 12,161 66% 65% b. gender ratio
East Indian community, Panchkalshi or Som- men are people are 6,335 5,826
vanshi Kshatriya Pathare (SKP) and Koli’s are total population The data on gender divide and sex ratio is very
the native people of this area. fishermen christian kolis helpful indicator to know the participatory share male population female population
of males and females in the society, which is
also an important indicator for human develop-
The Koli people are an ment index.
agriculturist caste from
Gujarat, India. Christian Among the surveyed population it is observed 52.1% 47.9%
Kolis follow or worship that there are 52.10% are male and remaining
both Hindu deities and 47.90% are female. The sex ratio is 893 per
the Christian God. 1000 males. male population female population
females per
source - social demographic data of Manori-Gorai, bmc
c. religious & The social affiliation of the group d. linguistics & Gujarat Kolis – found in Panchmahals, Ahmedabad,
Palanpur, Mahikantha, Kaira, Baruchand Surat districts of
differentiates them for benefits under
government schemes. Social groups
social groups 65% 4% preferences and vulnerability. In gen- 12% nativity Dhor Kolis – also called as the Tokre Kolis, are found chief-
indicate ranking within the society,
people are are ly in the North Konkan. Thename Dhor comes from Dhor
Data on religious groups have been collected christian kolis jains eral, the families belonging to Sched- people are listed A majority of families (47%) speak Marathi as 47% 8% cattle, because they eat beef. Thokre, from thokar – a
in order to identify people with the specific reli- uled Castes (SC) and Scheduled scheduled caste a mother tongue, followed by 1% who speak bamboo,refer to their calling as bamboo cutters
gious belief among the people. Tribes (ST) under the provisions of Urdu, 32% Hindi, 5% speak Gujrathi, 7% speak Mahadev Kolis – are found in the valleys in the east slopes
the Constitution of India get prefer-
Tulu, and 4% speak Telagu.
The religious beliefs and social affiliation of the 21% 1% ential treatment in the government source - social demographic data of Manori-Gorai, bmc & people speak gujrati of the Sahayadris from Mulshi inthe south-west of Poona
people are indicators that help understand cul- benefits because the group includes 47% Son Kolis – The Aboriginal Inhabitants of Bombay marathi to Trimbak in Nasik, a distance of 120 miles. They are also
tural behaviour of the groups. are are the people who are traditionally vul- 1% speak Urdu. Around 47% also converse foundwestwards in Jawhar in the North Konkan and Ma-
nerable. Except general category, all
in English as a medium for trading and com-
hadev hills, the traditional home of theMahadev Kolis.
The social and cultural behaviour will help un- hindus buddhist other groups need attention and are OBC merce. The Christian Koli popu-lation belongs
derstand the desires and preferences, which to be addressed for their backward to the subtype known as ‘Son Kolis’, primarily 32% 4% Malhar Kolis – or the Kolis worshipping the God Malhar,
is a prerequisite to rehabilitate the people and 8% socio-economic conditions. found along the North Konkan coast, spanning also called the Panbhari or thewater filling Kolis, one of the
their families. The surveyed households belong to 32% from Bassein to Ratnagiri in the south. Their purest and the most respectable of all Koli tribes.
traditional occu-pation, passed down through
East Indian community, Panchkalshi generations, is fishing. hindi tulu They are found in almost every village in the Deccan, in
Bombay city and along the sea coast of theThana district.
or Somvanshi Kshatriya Pathare are the Scheduled Castes 27%, Other are general The impact of historic Portuguese influence is
(SKP) and Koli’s are the native people muslims Backward Classes (OBC) 12%, No- found around the region, these persist in the Son Kolis – are found along the North Konkan coast from
of this area. madic Tribes (NT) 1%, Scheduled form of languages, lifestyle, and social infra- Bassein to Ratnagiri in the south.The hereditary occu-
source - social demographic data of Manori-Gorai, bmc Tribes 5% and 71% is identified in structure. The amalgamation of na-tivities also pation of Son Kolis is fishing The Son Kolis are a fishing
general caste makes this region a unique melting pot of con- community of Bombay and certain contiguous areas.
category. trasting cultures.
e. age groups f. economic 30% 4720/-
backgroud reported monthly average income
The persons of surveyed families have been The economic condition of PAFs describes income less than
categorized in to five age groups. The distri- occupational pattern, family income, and num- Rs 2500/-
bution of person’s age in various group shows ber of earning and dependent members. The 32%
that 31.53% belong to 18-34 years age group occupational pattern includes work in which 9%
and 16.68% belong to 35-44 years age; which the head of the project affected families are
is potentially productive group followed by involved. The family income includes income more than Rs.10001/-
28.15% of the total persons belong to the be- of all the earning members. The earning mem- b/w Rs. 2501/- to 5000/-
low 18 years age group who are dependent bers include the people who work and earn to
population. About 16.19% belong to 45-59 contribute to the family.
years age group and 7.45% belong above 60 About 30% of families reported less than 29%
years age group. Rs.2500/- monthly income. About 9% of fami-
lies’ monthly income is between Rs. 2501
source - sensus 2011, to 5000/-. About 29% of families’ monthly in- Rs. 5001 to 10000/-,
come is between Rs. 5001 to 10000/-, 32% of
families’ income is more than Rs.10001/-. The source - social demographic data of Manori-Gorai, bmc & A STUDY ON
average income of a family is Rs.4720/- per PERSONS IN MANORI-GORAI
g. education 19% h. employement 67%
educated upto
Education is a double-edged blade. It is a tool primary The occupation and profession of the head of engaged in fishing
for vertical mobility in the society. It provides family has been considered during the social and allied activites
an opportunity to participate in the process survey (residential and residential plus com-
of growth and development. However it also 50.75% mercial). The study recorded and assessed the
creates differences among people and intro- capability, base for livelihood and skills of the
duces a new kind of inequality between those secondary level family head, so that resettlement impacts can 15.6%
who have it and those who do not. In all the be assessed.
cases, education is a basic need and the best education
indicator of socio-economic development of The data shows that majority 66.97% of the self-employed
the region. Out of the total surveyed population, head of families are engaged in fishing and al-
about 19.23% are educated up to primary 12.90% lied activites, 15.61% are self-employed, 7.17%
class, 50.75% are educated up to secondary are casual labour and 5.90% are employed in
level, and 12.90% have studied up to Higher higher service of public sectors and government jobs. 7.17%
Secondary level. 13.42% of the people have
done their graduation. 3.7% of the people have secondary
gained technical education. casual labour
13.42% source - social demographic data of Manori-Gorai, bmc & A STUDY ON SOCIAL AND ECONOMICAL CONDITION OF source - social demographic data of Manori-Gorai, bmc & A
graduated 5.90%
services &
public sector
ground 2
municipal manori
ground market
our lady of
manori succour church
st. andrew
sea cricket active recreation by the beach
jetty ground 1
active recreation -
exersice, jogging, cycling, walking manori
passive recreation -
sitting, social gatherings, gambling
religious & cultural activities
fishing+ weaving
shopping & commerce ashram
agricultural labour
health centre temple datta
manori band
passive recreation by the beach