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P. 13 Mihrab
The Mihrab(fig.8) is a key element that symbolizes the path of Mecca, located at the
northwest corner of the Qibla Wall. This area, which is carefully decorated and often
adorned with elaborate flowers and inscriptions from the Quran, has an important visual role
to play in a mosque. Beyond its practical purpose of indicating Qibla, the Mihrab will
become a spiritual center that offers an aesthetic richness to the holy space.
Thesis Report V-SPARC VIT
fig.7: Qibla Wall(Source: Wikipedia) fig.8: Mihrab(Source: Wikipedia) Minbar
Adjacent to the Mihrab, the Minbar(fig.9) serves as a distinguished pulpit, resembling a
staircase, from which the prayer leader (imam) delivers sermons, notably after Friday
prayers. The Minbar not only facilitates the dissemination of religious teachings but also
contributes to the overall beauty of the mosque, which is designed with meticulous detail
from elaborately carved wood or stone. Minaret
Both roles are fulfilled by the Minaret, a huge building directly in front of the mosque. In
practical terms, it broadcasts the call to prayer, ensuring that it is heard throughout the city
or town. Beyond its utilitarian purpose, the Minaret serves as a visual symbol of Islam's
presence in the community. The sound of the call to prayer is often enhanced with modern
technology, e.g. microphones and speakers. Mosque Courtyard (Sahn) and Fountain
The central space that features a fountain is the Sahn(fig.10), or the courtyard of the