P. 14
SMEC organized a One day Seminar on "Recent A Training programme on “ Epicyclic Gear Train & Coriolis MechnoVIT
Trends in Direct energy Deposition (DED)“. Prof. Component and Acceleration Apparatus” was organized
Srikanth Bontha, National Institute of Technology for all faculty, staff and scholars on 18-04-2023.
Karnataka Surathkal and Prof, Sajan Kapil, Asst.
Prof. Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
were the resource persons of the seminar.
A One day Training program on machine SMEC organized a One week foundation course in “Simplified
shop experiments was organized with a Kundalini Yoga for healthy life” to all VIT Faculty and Staff from
major focus on “Hands on Training on CNC 19-04-20223 to 26-04-2023.
lathe machine operation” for technical
staffs. Expert from Ace Micromatic,
Bengaluru trained the staff.
SMEC successfully organized a One day School of Mechanical Engineering organized a half-day MechnoVIT
Workshop on Electric Vehicle Powertrains in FDP on “Development of Computational Tool for
collaboration with Aston University, UK and Outcome based Education (OBE)” with a focus on
Kings College London, UK on 28-06-2023. This organizing the curriculum, assessment procedure,
event was conducted as a part of the Going design of assessment scheme etc. on 05-06-2023.
Global Partnership 2022.