P. 8
Dr. Praveen Kumar V Dr. Vinoth Jebaraj A Dr. Roshith P Dr. Arivarasu M
(19PHD0073) Research Supervisor (17PHD0028) Research Supervisor
Title: Additive Manufacturing of Inconel 718: Title: Improving the service life of Alloy 254
Effect of Volumetric Energy Density and Heat weldments in simulated waste incinerator
Treatment on Part Quality, Residual Stress, And environment by thermal spray coating
Mechanical Properties
Dr. Rahul Shankarrao Dr. Rajkumar E
Warghane (17PHD0147) Research Supervisor
Title: Design and Development of Combined
Featured Article Published in Scientific Reports
Dr. Satyajit Ghosh authored a research article entitled “The Influence of Brief Precipitation
Events on the Historical Cauvery Basin: An Examination of Modified Water Resource Patterns and
Related Hazards" has been published in the Nature Scientific Reports Journal. The
aforementioned collaboration represents the joint efforts of academic members hailing from the
School of Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds in Leeds, UK, the Department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering at Dankook University in Yongin, South Korea, and the
Atmosphere, Ice and Climate team at the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge.
MechnoVIT XVII Issue