Page 5 - MECHNOVIT-XIX-Edition
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                 Name of the Student    University             Mentor                  Topic

               Mr. Dhanush Srikanth       McGill University      Dr. Changhong Cao Additive manufacturing
                 (21BMA0074)                                                         of battery

               Mr. Shivanshu Kolluru     University of          Dr. Simon Park       Design, Fabrication and
               (21BMM0063)              Calgary                                      Manufacturing  of
               Ms. Ishwarya              Universitè             Dr. Charles-Darwin Innovative Buckling
               Sampath                    Laval                Annan                 Restrained Brace
               (21BME0022)                                                           (BRB) Component for
                                                                                     Seismic Resistance


                            Mr.  Joshua  Pradeep  Promod Mr.            Soumen          Basa
                            (21BME0319)  granted  with  a (22BME0246) granted with a
                            design  patent  from  Indian Design          Patent      entitled
                            Patent Office                     “Portable      wind      solar-
                            Title:         MULTI-PURPOSE powered             EV     charging
                            CABINET SOLAR DRYER               Station”  by  Indian  Patent
                            Application No. : 398719-001      Office.
                             CBR Date: 12/2/2024              Design number : 400576-001
                                                              Granted Date: 19/01/2024


            M.  Aravindan,  K.  Madhesh,  G.  Praveen  Kumar,  Madhan  K.  Arulanandam,  Srinath  Murali,
          Neelam Sheoran, Nirmal Waykole, Rajmohan Muthaiah, Pawan Sharma published a paper on
          "Computational  and  chemical  kinetics  analysis  of  hydrogen  blended  LPG  in  domestic  stove
          burners”  in  Energy  Conversion  and  Management  X  301  (2024):  100568.  (Impact  factor  :6.3)

         Rama  Krishna  Doodi  (20PHD0182)  and    Harsha  Kaduvula  (20MCD0023)  along  with  Dr.  Gunji
         Bala Murali submitted and presented a paper on “Energy Absorption Capacity Of Bio-inspired
         Honeycomb Integrated Beetle Elytron Plates “ and received Most Distinguished Paper Award at

         the  5th  International  Conference  on  Innovative  Product  Design  and  Intelligent  Manufacturing
         Systems (ICIPDIMS) held at NIT Rourkela on December 06 and 07, 2023.

                                     MECHNOVIT NEWSLETTER
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