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VIT-Technology Business Incubator
Page 431
M/s.Kramski Stamping and Molding India Pvt.Ltd, a firm promoted by German based
Kramski group was provided soft landing support during 2008-10 periods. The
company has established a precision engineering facility to produce sheet metal parts
and has invested close to Rs.15 Crores in Vellore. This firm is also employing 40
persons and has booked sales of Rs.15 Crores during 2012-13.
Smithline Reinforced Composites FZC
, a UAE based firm was inducted for Soft
landing support during 2012 to set up their manufacturing plant near Vellore. The
company has acquired land and has commenced their activities from their Project
office in our TBI. The firm is expected to set up the plant in 2 years time.
Partnership with ICICI Trinity:
VIT has partnered with an open innovation program ICICI’s Trinity 2013 launched by
India’s largest private sector bank ICICI that promotes innovation and
entrepreneurship among the youth. VIT is among the select few institutions to partner
with ICICI and this would provide opportunities from idea to commercialization
Capacity Building activities:
a).Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp:
Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp is a 3-day event covering Entrepreneurial
motivation, Ideation, Creativity, Opportunity Identification, Emerging opportunities
in various sectors, Business plan preparation, Role of TBI and other supporting
agencies, Angel and VC funding etc. This programme attracts students from within
the University and those from the neighboring institutes. VITTBI has organized 8
Entrepreneurship camps from 2009 onward and an about 1000 students have
benefitted from these camps. Students belonging to science and technology streams,
both UG and PG, register for the camp. The sessions are designed in line with the
guidelines given by the Department of Science and Technology. Speakers from
academia, industry and financial institutions are invited as resource persons. Several
Entrepreneurs are roped in to share their real time experience. These sessions are truly
motivational and teach entrepreneurship unlike any other medium.
b).Faculty Development Programme on Entrepreneurship:
Faculty Development Programme on Entrepreneurship is a two-week residential
programme with an average of 20 faculties from VIT University and various Science,
Technology and Management institutes participating. VITTBI has organized 5 FDPs
from 2009 onwards and about 100 faculties have benefitted. It is understood that the
most crucial change agents in the process of developing young entrepreneurs are
teachers with adequate skills, knowledge and information in the area of
Entrepreneurship. Highly skilled resource personnel from VIT University,
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India and Government Agencies handle
the sessions. Several entrepreneurs are invited to share their experience during the
course of the programme. Industry visits are arranged.
c).Entrepreneurship Development Programme
The programme aims at training the Science & Technology graduates and the diploma
holders in the essentials of conceiving, planning, initiating and launching an economic
activity or an enterprise successfully. This is a 4-week non-residential programme.
About 15 participants from in and around Vellore attended the programme organized
from the 15
of Feb to 15
of March 2010. The programme was received well by the