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School of Information Technology and Engineering
Page 304
time is used fruitfully. The teaching methods adopted are mainly classified as Project Based
Learning, Class Based Learning and Research Based Learning. Adopting RBL lets faculty to
guide their students to publish papers in national and international conferences, refereed
The students under PBL are evaluated based on the projects undertaken in the
respective semester. The CBL students are assessed on the basis of continuous assessment
exams, assignments and seminars.
How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and
learning outcomes are monitored?
Subject wise objectives are prepared along with syllabus which will cover up
program core objectives phase by phase. The program managers will conduct
(Board of studies) meeting with subject experts every semester to ensure all
program objectives are covered up by program core papers and electives. The
syllabi of individual subjects are also revised as per the needs of the
corresponding industries.
The learning outcomes of each subject are verified by faculties handling
corresponding courses. If one course is taken by more than one faculty course
coordinator will be identified among them. Along with course coordinator the
other same subject handling faculties also discuss among them to ensure that all
learning outcomes are obtained as per the defined outcomes.
Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities.
Students are motivated to participate in all kind of competitions conducted by
reputed institutions in India or even abroad. Those students who won in several
competitions are honored in department level as well as university level based
On their achievements periodically.
Faculties are also constantly encouraged by the department and management to
publish good research papers in standard journals. They are also motivated by
distribution of research awards. Faculties are also encouraged to apply for funded
projects from reputed agencies such as IIT, ISRO etc. Those faculties who obtains
fund from reputed institute are honored by the department then and there. They
are also motivated by Performance incentive scheme points for each academic
Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department.
Students are given thought provoking assignments by faculties in each subject they are
studying. PBL called project based learning method is also proposed where students are
encouraged to do mini projects on their subjects. Apart from these they are encourage to
publish papers in reputed journals with the guidance of faculties.
State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies? If yes,
give details.
Yes. The B.Tech Information Technology has been accredited by ABET Inc. (111
Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, Maryland 21202-4012, USA)