Page 131 - NAAC-Volume-2

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School of Information Technology and Engineering
Page 303
Mr. Sowmyan J (B.Tech. IT) donated 33 books worth around Rs.15,000/- towards the
VITAA Book Bank Scheme.
In the Year 2009
Siva Rama Krishnan S, 2009 M.Tech I.T. (Networking) was certified as EMC
professional in Information storage and management.
Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar)
involving external experts.
Listed below are workshops and lectures conducted the academic year 2012-2013
National Workshop on Network Simulator - Qual Net
National Workshop on Cryptology
National Workshop on Parallel Data Warehousing and Cloud Computing
National Workshop on Enhancing Quality of Programming and Productivity of
Technical Workshop on MATTE Painting
National Workshop on BIG Data Analytics and Quality Assurance
Technology talk on CISCO security solutions
National Workshop on Digital Sculpting
National Workshop on Networking & Data Virtualization
National Workshop on Cyber Security: Issues & Challenges
National Workshop on Advanced Algorithms in Digital Watermarking
National Workshop on Network Simulator for Wired and Wireless Networks -
National Workshop on Advanced Algorithmic Techniques
National Workshop on BIG Data Analytics
National Workshop on Web Designing
National Workshop on Critical Infrastructure and Information Security (CIIS)
Alumni Workshop on Web Application development using JSPs and Servlets
National Workshop on Image Enhancement & Recognition using Matlab &
Association Rule Mining and Classification using Clementine
One may also refer to the answer of question 30.
List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes.
The number of degree programmes offered by the school is ten. They are BCA, B.Tech (IT),
B.Sc. (Multimedia & Animation), M.Tech (IT – Networking), M.Tech (Software
Technology), M.Sc (Software Technology), MCA, M.S (Software Engineering), M.S (By
Research) and Ph.D.
Qualified faculty members assigned with various theory subjects prepare course plans using
the standard format provided by the institute with emphasis on 'learning' of the students. The
instructional or lecture delivery of the faculty will be through a set of Educational
Technology / Tools opted by the faculty. The lectures lay emphasis on the following:
Knowledge content (topics in the curriculum)
Utility value - application in real life
Latest developments
The classroom sessions will be interactive and will encourage the students to think
independently and inspire their creativity. The faculty will ensure that the students in the
class have assimilated the content projected. High level of discipline will be maintained in the
classroom. The faculty members are empowered to curb any disturbance and ensure that the