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C3_Research, Consultancy and Extension
Page 91
3.6.6 Bearing in mind the objectives and expected outcomes of the
extension activities organized by the university, how did they complement
students’ academic learning experience? Specify the values inculcated and
skills learnt.
The University has made it mandatory for the students to participate in the
extra-curricular activities, including the extension activities. Additional two
credits are given to the students for their participation in these activities.
As most of the activities are done by groups of students, it adds value to their
personality development. This complements their academic excellence. The
students learn to get along with others, plan and execute the activities, develop
collective thinking, imbibe leadership qualities, instill self-confidence, and get
tuned with the society around them. These are some of the attributes the
students learn through their involvement in these social activities.
3.6.7 How does the university ensure the involvement of the community
in its out reach activities and contribute to community development? Give
details of the initiatives of the university which have encouraged
community participation in its activities.
Through the Centre for Sustainable Rural Development and Research
Studies (CSRD&RS) of VIT University the following activities are
planned and executed:
Skill Development
The CSRD&RS organizes short term skill training projects targeting rural
youth and women in order to create employment, self employment
opportunities by training them in 32 trades.
No. of Youths Trained (2005-2013) - 2,595 Candidates
No. of Youths placed on Job
- 2,363 Candidates
No. of Youths become Entrepreneur - 232 Candidates
No. of Youths Credit Linked with Schemes - 72 Candidates
Village Resource Centre / Village Knowledge Centre
The Centre for Sustainable Rural Development and Research Studies
of VIT University has four Village Resource Centers in
Jamunamarathu, Pallikonda, Rajakkal and Brahmmapuram, and One
Village Knowldege centre in Kothakupam. Village Resource Centre
(VRC) and the Village Knowledge Centre employ both traditional
and modern technologies to provide necessary information and
knowledge to rural communities. The following are the some of the
programmes conducted in this regard.
Sustainable Agricultural Promotion
Farmers Training Programs
Computer Literacy and ICT Activities
Evening Tuition Centre
Small Saving Scheme
Skill Training Promotion