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C1_Curricular Aspects
Page 40
The University has launched the Project Based Learning (PBL)
Courses. Atleast one course in every semester is operated in this
mode. Domain specific mini-projects and the presentation of technical
papers by the students in the SET Conferences organized twice in a
year, provides platform to exhibit the innovations. Also we propose to
set up an ‘Innovation laboratory’ to fuel the creativity and innovative
spirit of the students.
The curriculum offers scope for Research Based Learning in the
M.Tech / M. Sc. programmes. All the Masters’ students are required to
undertake research project every semester and present the findings in
the in-house SET (Science, Engineering and Technology) conference,
conducted every semester. The faculty members are given the freedom
to decide on the number of components of course evaluation, its
duration and weightage given to each component. In addition to this
undergraduate students with the required academic performance are
permitted to take up research and development projects (termed as the
undergraduate research experience) under the guidance of faculty
1.1.4 To what extent does the university use the guidelines of the
regulatory bodies for developing and/or restructuring the curricula? Has
the university been instrumental in leading any curricular reform which
has created a national impact?
(i) Based on the norms of AICTE / UGC, VIT University follows the
guidelines in developing and restructuring the curricula in such a way that the
students could earn the course credits distributed among the Engineering,
Science, Humanities and Management disciplines as follows:
(ii) VIT University is the first Indian university to launch the concept of Fully
Flexible Credit System (FFCS). Under this, the students can register courses
of their choice and alter the pace of learning within the broad framework of
academic course and credit requirements. They can register for courses
according to their interest and academic ability in completing them. However,
there is a minimum (16 credits) and maximum number of credits (27 credits) a
student can register in a given semester. FFCS allows students to decide their
academic plan and permits them to alter it as they progress in time. The
students have the option to also acquire the minor / honor credentials by
undergoing a specified set of courses.
Percent share of minimum credit