Page 47 - NAAC-Volume-1

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C1_Curricular Aspects
Page 41
1.1.5 Does the university interact with industry, research bodies and the
civil society in the curriculum revision process? If so, how has the
university benefitted through interactions with the stakeholders?
Yes. During curriculum revision process, our alumni and experts from
industries and academia are usually invited for the Board of Studies and for
the Academic Council meetings. The interactions and feedback with our stake
holders (students, industry, alumni), enable us to understand the current
demands of the industry and the technological advancements which helps in
redesigning the curricula.
1.1.6 Give details of how the university facilitates the introduction of new
programmes of studies in its affiliated colleges.
Not Applicable
1.1.7 Does the university encourage its colleges to provide additional skill-
oriented programmes relevant to regional needs? Cite instances (not
applicable for unitary universities).
Not Applicable
1.2 Academic Flexibility
1.2.1 Furnish the inventory for the following:
Programmes taught on campus: In total there are about 64
programmes offered in the main campus.
List of programmes taught on campus is given in page 31
Overseas programmes offered on campus - NA
Programmes available for colleges to choose from - NA
1.2.2 Give details on the following provisions with reference to academic
Core / Elective options
The curriculum of each programme contains courses that are grouped into
University Core (UC), University Elective (UE), Programme Core (PC) and
Programme Elective (PE). The university core is common and mandatory to
all similar degree programmes. Programme Core is common and mandatory
for the specific programmes. Students can take any course as their University
Elective (UE), subject to the eligibility / pre-requisite criteria. This gives an
opportunity for students to satisfy their aspirations in other disciplines also.
Programme Elective courses, provide an opportunity for the students to study
courses which are more advanced or applied or specialized than the basic
courses he/she studies as part of core courses. These courses will generally
provide an in
depth knowledge of a specific sub
field the student has taken as
his/her major specialization. PE courses are not restricted to the students’