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1       Main mesh that is attahced                                    2       Secondary steel cable which                                    3       The Primary steel cable is                                        4       Concrete base that runs along                                 5       Masts ranging

                to the secondary mesh. The                                            has the mesh infill. The Stain-                                        made up galvanised aircraft                                               the aviary which has bolts                                            from 10.5 to
                main mesh is made up of                                               less steel cable has a diameter                                        cable with a diameter of                                                  that hold secure the second-                                          18.5 meters de-

                25mm x 25mm stainless mesh                                            of 6mm.                                                                12mm. This cable is attahced                                              ary mesh cables.                                                      pending on the

                with 1.2mm diameter.                                                                                                                         to the mast via. another                                                                                                                        aviary.

                                                                                                                                                             12mm cable which is conncet-
                                                                                                                                                             ed to the drum roll at the base

                                                                                                                                                             of the mast.
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