Page 52 - NAAC-Volume-1

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C1_Curricular Aspects
Page 46
The syllabus of all the courses is reviewed annually.
1.3.4 What are the value-added courses offered by the university and how
does the university ensure that all students have access to them?
By offering Minors
Compulsory Foreign Language (German / Japanese / French /
Encouraging students to carry out projects and giving credentials
Offering and encouraging the students to take up management courses
Sociology and Psychology; The course on Ethics and Values is
compulsory for all the programmes
Special courses on entrepreneurship
1.3.5 Has the university introduced any higher order skill development
programmes in consonance with the national requirements as outlined by
the National Skills Development Corporation and other agencies?
The implementation of Fully Flexible Credit System and the introduction of
Project / Research Based Learning have given ample opportunity for the
students to involve in innovative projects in areas of their choice. This enables
the students to imbibe the technical skills needed.
1.4 Feedback System
1.4.1 Does the university have a formal mechanism to obtain feedback
from students regarding the curriculum and how is it made use of?
Feedback on the faculty members and on the infrastructure facility available is
collected every semester for all the courses. This is done by conducting (i)
Online feedback in the middle of the semester and (ii) feedback using OMR
sheets at the end of the semester. The interim feedback given by the students
in the middle of the semester is informed to enable them to take the corrective
measures based on the students’ expectations. The questionnaire given to the
students is related to the faculty as well as the curriculum design.