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6.5.6 Does the IQAC have external members on its committees? If so,
mention any significant contribution made by such members.
IQAC does have external members on its committees. Dr. C. Rajendran, IIT
Chennai is an external member of IQAC as of present. The external members
attend the regular meetings conducted by IQAC and contribute by giving
suggestions for improvement of quality in teaching, learning and research.
6.5.7 Has the IQAC conducted any study on the incremental academic
growth of students from disadvantaged sections of society?
IQAC does not, as of date, have not directly contributed to the academic
growth of the students from the disadvantaged sections of the society. As a
policy and as per the mission statement, the University has formulated
mechanisms to look at the growth of this category of students. Some of them
programmes associated with this are given below:
"Socio-economic model to enable entry opportunity of all qualified +2
students to higher education".
Support The Advancement of Rural Students (STARS)
GV School Development Programme (GVSDP)
Centre for Sustainable Rural Development & Research Studies
Details of these activities are given in the respective section in ‘outreach’
What policies are in place for the periodic review of
administrative and academic departments, subject areas, research
centres, etc.?
The Schools, Research Centres and Administrative Departments of
the University are subjected to an audit every year by a committee consisting
of Vice Chancellor, Pro-vice Chancellor and Dean to review on the progress,
to evaluate and give suggestions for substantial improvement. Faculty and
staff are also subjected to audits and performance evaluations every year. Sock
verification is also done periodically.
Every faculty and staff member of VIT University attends a
performance evaluation discussion chaired by the Vice –Chancellor once in a
year to analyze options for betterment.
All research students are subject to a half yearly review presentation
of their work proposed, work done and work to be done in the next half year.