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Why this Project is relevant now ?

                                                       “The Central Vista redevelopment a capstone project in its
                 Identity through History
                                                         ongoing efforts to articulate a novel formulation of the
                                                              history and identity of the Indian nation”

                                                       “The effort to create a “New India,” a country capable of
                New  Identity  to  maintain  the   maintaining its ancient heritage and restoring its spiritual and
                heritage and restoration in modern
                aspiration                        cultural glory while simultaneously making advancements towards
                                                                     its modern aspirations”

                New history to India    “Indian Prime Minister stated, “Kingsway, or Rajpath, the symbol of slavery, has become a
                                           matter of history from today and has been erased forever. A new history has been
                Preservation of           created” Concerns about revisionism are exacerbated by worries about the future of
                Collections for Future
                                            important collections from the National Museum, as the plans for the museum’s
                                                                       relocation are opaque”

                                                                    - The Council on Foreign Relations
                                                                                      23 Feb 2023

                                                Articles Which enhance the architectural development of India

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