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My heartfelt thanks goes out to everyone whose help and advice have been
so valuable in finishing this architectural dissertation.
Thesis Report V-SPARC VIT
Firstly, I would like to sincerely thank [Dr. Parthiban Rajukalidoss], my
primary adviser, for all of their help, invaluable insights, and ongoing
encouragement along this research trip. Their knowledge has been quite
helpful in determining the course of this dissertation.
Special thanks to the [VSPARC] faculty and staff, whose dedication to
academic excellence has fostered an environment that is stimulating and
conducive to intellectual growth.
I am deeply indebted to my family for their unwavering support,
understanding, and tolerance. Their steadfast support serves as the
foundation for this project.
I would want to thank my friends and peers for their company, thought-
provoking discussions, and moments of inspiration that have truly made this
academic journey collaborative.