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                     DECLARATION                                                                         II

                     BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE                                                               IV
                        Thesis Report V-SPARC VIT

                     ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                                                    V

                     DEDICATION                                                                         VI

                     ABSTRACT                                                                                                                    VII

                     NOMENCLATURE                                                                      VIII

                     TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                  IX

                     LIST OF FIGURES                                                                     X

                     LIST OF TABLES                                                                     XI

                     1. INTRODUCTION                                                                                                       12

                     2. LITERATUR REVIEW                                                                                                    12

                     3. CASE-STUDIES                                                                                                        15

                        3.1. Understanding Inside - Outside Relationship                                                       18

                            3.1.2  New Venue of the Yuz Museum                                                               19
                            3.1.3  BIAD Museum                                                                                         20

                            3.1.4  Inference                                                                                                   21

                       3.2. The Relationship between Architecture, Ruins and the City                                23
                       3.3. Degrees of Privacy and Understanding Circulation                                             25

                            3.3.1    Inference                                                                                                   19

                         3.4. Visual Harmony / Moment of Pause                                                                      20

                                 3.4.1.  British Council                                                                                           21

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