PI Name & Affiliation:
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Vellore Institute of Technology, India
Project Implementation Group:
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Vellore Institute of Technology
Deputy Coordinator:
Dr. K. Devendranath Ramkumar, Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology
Deputy Coordinator:
Dr. A. Raja Annamalai, Associate Professor & Director, Centre for Innovative Manufacturing Research, Vellore Institute of Technology
1. Dr. A. Nirmala Grace, Professor & Director, Centre for Nano-Technology, Vellore Institute of Technology
2. Dr. Raja Sellappan, Associate Professor, Centre for Nano-Technology, Vellore Institute of Technology
Dr. M. Sugavaneswaran, Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology
Dr. Ranjeet Kumar,Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology
Dr. Jambeshwar Sahu,Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology
Dr. Akella Sivaramakrishna,Professor, School of Advanced Sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology
Dr.P.A.Jeeeva,Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology
Funding Agency: DST
Scheme: Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence scheme (PURSE)
Overlay: Rs. 20 Cr.
Duration: 4 Years

Project Description
3-D additive manufacturing technologies have gained increased popularity and have been recognized by stakeholders as the next industrial revolution (Industry 4.0), which will bring the customers’ needs and suppliers’ offers so closer. This consortium will enable bring the leading academic and industrial players closer in the fields of materials science and processes, materials characterizations, technologies and related numerical simulations, applied to the manufacture of structural and functional materials for processes including but not limited to energy/aerospace as well as biomaterials.
• To promote “Make in India” national mission by encouraging the entrepreneurial aptitude of the engineers through overall development from design to manufacture of functional components through Additive Manufacturing technologies.
• To promote the research outlook in the role of additive manufacturing technologies in Industry 4.0.
• To promote the industry-academia collaboration with respect to R&D of multiscale, multi-material and multifunctional metal and ceramic-based components used in healthcare and energy sectors so as to fulfill the nation’s core missions "Make in India" and "Start Up India".
• To investigate the possibility of utilizing these AM technologies for defense, aerospace and water-treatment technologies.
• To develop and promote cross-disciplinary team to carry out inter-disciplinary research works so as to transform the scientific research results into practical knowledge, that are useful for engineers/designers.
• To investigate the components developed using AM technologies from the critical metallic materials (Ti-6Al-4V, stainless steels, Co-Cr alloy, and Maraging steel etc.) for versatile applications.
• To investigate the functional dependencies between manufacturing process features and the observed mechanical characteristics of the investigated samples
• To develop a new transdisciplinary or inter-disciplinary PG programme at VIT based on the outcomes from the AM technologies.