PI Name & Affiliation:
Dr. Pundlik Rambhau Bhagat,
School of Advanced Sciences, Department of Chemistry,
Vellore Institute of Technology, India
Technical Advisors:
Prof. Ramesh Kumar C & Prof. Senthil Kumar M,
Automotive Research Centre, School of Mechanical Engineering
Vellore Institute of Technology, India
Mr. Yogesh Paliwal,
M/s:- Finetrap India A90, MIDC Yavatmal, Maharashtra 45001
Funding Agency: BIRAC (BIG 17 Awardee)
Grant : Rs. 50,00,000
Duration of the Project: 1.5 Years

Dr. Pundlik Rambhau Bhagat
Prof. Ramesh Kumar C
Prof. Senthil Kumar M
Mr.Yogesh Paliwal

Project Description
Every country depends on the energy for the transportation. As of 2018, the India’s key energy sources comprised of 79% share for fossil fuels and 15% for renewable sources. Biofuels are the boon to get alternative energy sources, that will be able reduce import of crude oil. India currently stands at 14th rank in the production bioethanol and biodiesel originated from first generation biofuels. There is a need to promote second generation biofuels utilizing non-edible renewable plant resources. In order to make second-generation biofuel more efficient, it is required to promote new process to utilize whole biomass. Photocatalysis seems to be an exciting methodology for the production of biofuels, that delivered biofuels comprising more furan derivatives. We have developed a protocol by fabricating Novel heterogeneous photocatalysts and explored for the generation of biofuels from Sadafuli, Catharanthus roseus and Banana leaves, (non-edible and edible biomass by animals respectively), under visible light irradiations at ambient conditions. Unlike existing protocol, photocatalyst efficiently converted both edible and non-edible biomass to biomass with 75 to 85 mL per 100 g, without formation of undesirable humins and other pollutants. The Biofuel acquired desirable physicochemical properties that makes it suitable for blending with petrol.