PI Name & Affiliation:
Dr.E. Porpatham,
Automotive Research Centre,
Vellore Institute of Technology, India
Co-PI Name & Affiliation:
Dr. A. Senthil Kumar,
CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre,
Vellore Institute of Technology, India
Funding Agency: DST
Scheme: Waste to Energy
Overlay: Rs. 1,65,550
Duration of the Project: 6 Months

Dr. E. Porpatham
Dr. A. Senthil Kumar
Project Description
Biogas production from food waste with co-digestion of sewage sludge is gaining importance. The generated biogas can be converted to bio-methane and bio-hydrogen using a two-stage anaerobic digester. Among the different renewable fuels, bio-methane and bio-hydrogen are the most attractive and alternative gaseous fuels for automotive spark-ignition engines. The development of the bio-CNG fuelled SI engine reduces fuel price, and it becomes environmentally friendly. Still, there is a scope for increasing the thermal conversion efficiency and reduce emissions by adding a small amount of bio-hydrogen with bio-methane, which can be called as bio-HCNG. The objective of the proposed research work is to develop hydrogen enriched bio-CNG fuelled automotive spark ignition engine for improved performance and reduced emissions. Applying the right mix of technologies for efficient production of biogas, increasing the specific power output, thermal conversion efficiency, and reduced emissions can be realized.