PI Name & Affiliation:
Dr.N.S. Jayaprakash,
Associate Professor (Sr.)
Centre for Bioseparation Technology (CBST),
Vellore Institute of Technology, India
Co-PI Name & Affiliation:
Dr. Krishnan V,
Centre for Bioseparation Technology (CBST),
Vellore Institute of Technology, India
Funding Agency: DBT
Overlay: Rs. 58,93,800
Duration of the Project: : 1 year and 3 months

Dr.N.S. Jayaprakash
Associate Professor (Sr.)
Dr. Krishnan V
Project Description
Coronaviruses encode five structural proteins namely, Spike S , Membrane M , Envelope E glycoproteins, Hemagglutinin Esterase HE and Nucleocapsid N protein. Corona Virus 2 COVID-19 structural proteins aids in infection followed by its assembly of new viral particles. Some of these structural proteins can serve as attractive candidates for monoclonal antibody mAb generation that can be utilized for developing diagnostic kits.
The aim of the proposal is to generate high affinity monoclonal antibodies to the COVID-19 viral specific antigens and to develop a sandwich ELISA based method for its detection. The proposed diagnostic system based on ELISA specific to COVID-19 antigens would give better confident from the part of diagnostics for treating the disease.
Currently in India, the detection of COVID-19 is done using kits that has been developed by companies abroad and is being imported in India and hence the cost of these materials tends to be very high. So to satiate the requirements of Indian as well as companies abroad, an indigenously developed kit will be of greater commercial as well as scientific importance.