PI Name & Affiliation:
Dr.D. Elangovan
Deputy Director & Associate Professor
Vellore Institute of Technology, India
Collaborator Affiliation:
Dr. Abdelhalim Abdelnaby
Ain Shams University
Cairo Governorate, Egypt
Funding Agency: DST (Indo-Egypt)
Scheme: International Bilateral Co-operation
Overlay: Rs. 17,89,200
Duration of the Project: 3 Years

Deputy Director
Dr. Abdelhalim abdelnaby

Project Description
As climate change is affecting the world globally, technologists are proposing emission-free transportation solutions. As most of the developing country’s traffic is saturated with four wheelers, the electrification of vehicles can be started from two-wheeler options. Presently the popular electric bicycle concepts are based on the grid powered charging stations. These intermittent charging stations will increase the installation cost of E-cycle based transportation. Also, the sudden load dynamics due to uneven terrain will reduce the battery life of the cycle. The solution is an on-board power source like fuel cells. The available fuel cell based E-cycles are traveling range limited due to the constraints like fuel cell stack size, refuelling cost and charging efficiency. With an optimally designed driver system with a modular power supply mechanism, these disadvantages can be overcome resulting in a sustainable transportation technique. The fuel required for fuel cells especially solar generator based hydrogen will be produced within the scope of this project.Virtual device modeling and extensive device simulations will be carried using Synopsys Sentaurus TCAD tools (sprocess and sdevice).