PI Name & Affiliation:
Dr. A.Sofi
School of Civil Engineering
Funding Agency: Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)
Scheme: Teachers Associateship for Research Excellence (TARE)
Overlay: Rs. 18,30,000
Duration of the Project: 3 Years

Dr. A.Sofi
Graphical Abstract

Project Description
Around 1000 million tires are left unused at the end of their utility period in every year. It has been expected that around 5000 million extra will be expected by the year 2030. Also, literature surevy reports more than 3 billion tons of construction and demolition waste (CDW) is produced annually. The main source is construction industry. This is an increasing problem day by day which cause serious land filling. As an alternative, waste tire rubber ash can be used as an partial replacement of cement and the demolition waste can be processed (recycled fines) and used as an fine aggregate in concrete. The project aims with the waste tire rubber ash replacement of cement as 3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, 15% and recycled fines as fine aggregate with replacement of 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% in concrete. The specimens were casted and need to be checked and compared to get optimum dosages. The project aims to check the various mechanical and durability properties of concrete substituted with waste tire rubber ash and recycled fines.
Products/ Instruments/ Results/ Outreach Activities