PI Name & Affiliation:
P. Senthilkumar
Assistant Professor
School of Mechanical Engineering
Co-PI Name & Affiliation:
Dr. Bibin John
School of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Thundil Karuppa Raj. R
School of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Ganapathi M
School of Mechanical Engineering
Funding Agency: Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO)
Scheme: Aeronautics R & D Board (ARDB)
Sanctioned Amount: Rs. 23,35,000
Duration of the Project: 1 Years

P. Senthilkumar

Dr. Bibin John

Dr. Thundil Karuppa Raj. R

Dr. Ganapathi M
Graphical Abstract

Project Description
Flying at hypersonic speed is the current interest in both commercial and military sector. In supersonic and hypersonic flights, the intake portion plays a major role in the engine performance. The most important requirement of any scramjet engine is to have supersonic flow throughout the intake. This situation is known as intake started. This project aims in designing a scramjet intake meeting the requirements of DRDL and verifying the performance parameters of the intake through computational analysis. It also includes to explore the chances of flow fluctuations associated with intense SWBLIs using URANS. This project will finally provide a comprehensive report containing geometry parameters of scramjet air intake and the performance characteristics of intake for both the design and off design operating conditions (results of computational studies)
Products/ Instruments/ Results/ Outreach Activities