PI Name & Affiliation:
Dr. Nanthagopal K
School of Mechanical Engineering
Co-PI Name & Affiliation:
Dr. R.Prakash
School of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Sakthivadivel D
Associate Professor
School of Mechanical Engineering
Funding Agency: British Council, UK
Scheme: Going Global Indutry Academia Collaborative Grant 2022
Sanctioned Amount : Rs. 40,90,380
Duration of the Project: 1 years

Dr. Nanthagopal K

Dr. R.Prakash

Dr. Sakthivadivel D
Graphical Abstract

Project Description
The main aim of this proposal to develop the conceive, design, implement mode of course module on electric vehicle powertrain through transdisciplinary research partnership involving group of academic researchers from the Aston University, UK and Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore India along with industry partners like Athers Energy Private Limited, Bengaluru. This course will be jointly delivered by an international level team experts from VIT, Aston University, Birmingham, UK and various indurtry experts. This course is designed to provide a comprehensive exposure to the skill set required for the electric vehicle revolution. This skill set includes electrochemical storage, power electronics and electrical machines. It incorporates fundamental and practical aspects of the relevant devices and technologies. A pathway towards fully electric ecosystem through fast adoption of electric mobility has been developed in the form of of workshops, foreign expert lectures, short term course and seminar to the UG, PG and research scholars of VIT Vellore.
Products/Instruments/Results/Outreach Activities (Pictures)