PI Name & Affiliation:
Dr. Kalainathan S
Centre for Nanotechnology Research
Vellore Institute of Technology, India
Co-PI Name & Affiliation:
Dr.Gopalkrishna Bhaalerao
UGC-DAE Consortium
IGCAR – Kalpakkam
Funding Agency: University Grants commission – Department of Atomic energy (UGC-DAE)
Scheme: Collaborative Research Scheme (CRS)
Sanctioned Amount :Rs. 1,35,000
Duration of the Project: 3 Years

Dr. Kalainathan S

Dr.Gopalkrishna Bhaalerao
Graphical Abstract

Project Description
The need for the radiation detecting materials has been at the forefront of materials research in recent years due to applications in national security, medical imaging, X-ray detection, oil well logging, cosmic rays and high-energy physics. There has been a growing interest in the development of Scintillators materials with good stopping power for gamma rays, high light output, proportional response, large transparent, low-cost crystals, short decay time and better Pulse shape discrimination property. The organic molecule 9,10-Diphenylanthrascene (DPA) structure is an identical molecular structure anthracene with two more separated phenyl rings connected to the one in the center of the condensed phenyl chain. DPA exhibit good optical quality and have scintillation light yield (20000 Ph/MeV) comparable to stilbene. The efficiency of PSD of DPA was evaluated by the measuring the Figure of merit (FOM) 3.8 which is greater than the commercially available stilbene (2.2). The novelty of this work is to grow a desirable size and shape DPA single crystal for the detection of harmful high energy rays.
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