PI Name & Affiliation:
Dr. K. Balaji
Associate Professor
School of Mechanical Engineering
Co-PI Name & Affiliation:
Dr. D. Sakthivadivel
Associate Professor
School of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. G. Praveen Kumar
Assistant Professor
School of Mechanical Enginering
Funding Agency: Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)
Scheme: Core Research Grant (CRG)
Sanctioned Amount: Rs. 22,77,000
Duration of the Project: 3 Years

Dr. K. Balaji

Dr. D. Sakthivadivel

Dr. G. Praveen Kumar
Graphical Abstract

Project Description
India’s Cooling Action Plan estimates the need for space cooling increases by 11 times from now to 2038. Similarly, International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts India is accountable for 44% of peak load and 28% of electricity demand by 2050 as compared with all other countries. The room air-conditioners alone might add around 132 GT of CO2 emissions collectively from now till 2050. Considering the increase of conventional air conditioner use, energy demand, peak demand, CO2 emission, and poor indoor air quality, an alternate passive cooling system called thermally activated cooling system (TABS) system for different climatic conditions is proposed. Low energy cooling system admissible thermal comfort is the need of the hour.
It was identified that the effective integration of shallow geothermal energy in the built environment significantly reduces the energy consumption. Hence, the main objective is to study the performance of the shallow geothermal combined TABS system in order to develop a sustainable cooling solution. This is the first research study proposed for the Indian climatic conditions using GeoTABS.
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