PI Name & Affiliation:
Dr. C. George Priya Doss,
Associate Professor
School of Bio Sciences and Technology (SBST)
Vellore Institute of Technology, India
Co-PI Name & Affiliation:
Dr. R. Siva,
Professor and Dean
School of Bio Sciences and Technology (SBST)
Vellore Institute of Technology, India
Dr. Karthik Gunasekaran,
Associate Professor (Grade I),
Department of Medicine,
Unit-V, Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore
Dr. Ramya I,
Professor (Grade I),
Department of Medicine,
Unit-V, Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore
Funding Agency: ICMR
Scheme: Call for Concept Proposals on COVID-19
Overlay: Rs. 81,81,741
Duration of the Project: 2 Years

Dr. C. George Priya Doss

Dr. R. Siva

Project Description
The emergence of the novel coronavirus in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, in December 2019 marked the synchronization of the world to a peculiar clock that is counting infected cases and deaths instead of hours and minutes. The pandemic, highly transmissible severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has indeed caused considerable morbidity and mortality and drastically changed our everyday lives. This study will employ blood samples from COVID-19 patients to understand the differential gene expression and genetic profiling of disease-associated ACE2 genes, to provide molecular insights into COVID-19 affected patients. Knowledge, analysis, and changes in the transcriptome and genetic profile in COVID-19 affect patients in India are significantly underexplored. A broader understanding would help anticipate potential mechanisms involved in the individuals via NGS and transcriptomics analysis. Concretely, the results are expected to provide a platform for understanding the molecular pathology of COVID-19 patients. The novel findings may provide insight into changes in the transcriptomics and genetic profile of COVID19 affected the Indian population.