PI Name & Affiliation:
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Mohanty,
Assistant Professor
School of Advanced Sciences (SAS)
Vellore Institute of Technology, India
Co-PI Name & Affiliation:
Dr. Sunanda Saha,
Assistant Professor
School of Advanced Sciences (SAS)
Vellore Institute of Technology, India
Prof. S. R. Manam,
Department of Mathematics
IIT Madras
Funding Agency: DST-SERB
Scheme: Core Research Grant (CRG)
Overlay: Rs. 21,08,832
Duration of the Project: 3 Years

Dr. Sanjay Kumar Mohanty

Dr. Sunanda Saha

Prof. S. R. Manam

Project Description
Due to the scarcity of land on the big cities situated near sea, it is essential to utilize the ocean space. The construction of the very large floating structure is much more useful for construction of floating airport, hotel, military base and oil reserve tank. The idealization of very large floating structures is floating elastic plates and hence the study of wave interaction with floating elastic plate becomes significantly important due to the above explained applications. Extensive research work has been taken place in mathematically modelling the scattering problem by the floating elastic plate. But, they have not considered the following effect while modelling the problem: 1. The effect of presence of current has been neglected in most of the work. The current in the fluid domain is generated by the wind stress, the interaction of the forces between sun and moon, Coriolis effects etc. Hence, its consideration is very important in predicting the accurate value of various physical parameters. 2. Also in most of that research work, they have assumed the bottom of the fluid domain is rigid. But for a realistic physical problem, the bottom of the fluid is permeable and undulated in nature. 3. Also there are few literatures which address the wave interaction with floating elastic plate in the case of density stratified fluid. 4. Also the study of localized waves is generally neglected in most of the work considered. It is very important to study those waves as it may create resonance to the system and hence can destroy the overall set-up. 5. There are several research work where the plate floating on the surface of water is considered to be of infinite length. But for a realistic physical problem it is very important to study the effect of wave on floating elastic plate. 6. Majority of the work done on elastic plate by assuming the simple harmonic wave motion. But it is very important to understand the wear and tear of that structure in future time. Hence, in this study we will attempt to understand the wave scattering, trapping and time domain simulation of finite floating plate deflection in the presence of current and undulated permeable bottom in the case of single and two-layer fluid.