Investigator Name & Affiliation:
Dr. T. P. Sumangala,
Assistant Professor
School of Advanced Sciences (SAS)
Dr. Ariful Rahaman,
Associate Professor
School of Mechanical Engineering (SMEC)
Vellore Institute of Technology, India
Dr. Sreeram Kalpathy,
Assistant Professor
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Project Coordinator Name & Affiliation:
Dr.Tiju Thomas,
Associate Professor
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Dr. Mousumi Upadhyay Kahaly,
Senior Scientist
Ultrafast Science Division
ELI-HU Non Profit Ltd., ELI-ALPS, Hungary
Funding Agency: DST
Division:International Bilateral Co-operation
Scheme: Indian Hungarian Science and Technology Cooperation
Overlay: RS. 21,71,832 (VIT)/ Rs. 11,64,000 (IIT M)
Duration of the Project: 3 Years

Dr. Tiju Thomas

Dr. Sreeram Kalpathy

Dr. T.P. Sumangala

Dr. Ariful Rahaman

Dr. Mousumi Upadhyay Kahaly

Project Description
Organic perovskite materials are touted to be promising photoactive materials relevant for fabrication of thin film photovoltaic (PV) devices for of efficient, cheap and safe solar-cell technology. However their hygroscopic nature, thermal sensitvity, and degradation pose practical, commercial challenges. In this project, This team hence allows the development of (i) Encapsulation that can offer a thermal barrier that can prospectively enhance the life of organic perovskites, (ii) Perovskite solar cell devices, wherein the compositions are tuned to make it relevant for technology (Internal photocurrent efficiency >12 %). (iii) Deepened understanding of the roles of the encapsulating material, and development of design rules for improving organic perovskite active material. (iv) Computational studies, simulations and spectroscopic analysis in ELI-ALPS will enhance understanding of the materials and their performance, and also offer insights on means to improve.