Centre for Bioseparation Technology
Page 379
Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies
Development of technologies for the efficient separation of biomolecules (proteins,
peptides, oligosaccharides, DNA, etc) and particularly which are relevant
to pharmaceuticals.
Recombinant protein production (Improved production and processing of therapeutic
Immunotechnology (Development of monoclonal antibodies for diagnostics).
Metabolic disorders (Diabetes and cardio vascular diseases).
Proteomics & Biomarkers studies.
Extension of developed technologies to clinical biochemistry applications.
Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding
agencies and c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies
title and grants received project-wise.
i. Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India, Under the High Priority
Area of Research (Rs. 2.61 crores)- First Phase (Sanctioned for five years from 2005 to
ii. Department of Biotechnology programme support on improved production and
processing of therapeutic proteins (Rs. 2.17 crores). (Sanctioned for five years from 2008
to 2012)
iii. Department of Science & Technology project entitled ‘Engineering of beta-glucosidases
for improved yield of glycoconjugates’ in collaboration with Prof. Saroj Misra, IIT Delhi.
(Rs. 9.72 lakhs)
iv. PALL, European Operations: “Study and evaluation of new chromatographic
supports” (Rs. 26 lakhs)
v. Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India, Under the High Priority
Area of Research (Rs. 11.82 crores)- Second Phase
vi. TIFAC, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Development of novel process in isolating
standardized extract of
Aloe vera
and its application for diabetes control. Bioprocess and
Bioproducts Programme; Project duration: 1 year, Total project grant: Rs.60.58 Lakhs
(31.58 lakhs from DST and Rs. 29 lakhs from Industry)
Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received
National collaboration
i. Department of Science & Technology project entitled ‘Engineering of beta-glucosidases
for improved yield of glycoconjugates’ in collaboration with IIT Delhi. (Rs. 9.72 lakhs)
ii. Production of anti TNF-
α using different expression systems for cost effectiveness.
Collaboration with M.S. University of Baroda. Project under the DBT Programme
Support on Improved Production and Processing of Therapeutic Proteins (Rs. 35.25
iii. Cost effective production of recombinant human coagulation factor VIII (F-VIII).
Collaboration with Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore. Project under the DBT