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Center of Nanotechnology Research
Page 427
Dr. Goutam De, CGCRI, Kolkata
Prof. (Dr.) C.K. Maiti, IIT, Kharagpur
Dr. A.K Tyagi, IGCAR, Kalpakkam
Prof. (Dr.) George Thomas, NIIST, Kerala
Prof. (Dr.) G. U. Kulkarni, JNCASR, Bangalore
Prof. (Dr.) Indranil Manna, CGCRI, Kolkata
List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10)
George Jacob(2006-2008)- Asst Professor, CNR, VIT Vellore
Sathyanarayanan P (2006-2008)– Post Doc Fellow at IEMN, France
Sozaraj R (2006-2008)- Post Doc Fellow at Technical University of denmark
Alysious Daniel Gandhi ( 2007-2009) – Scientist, CMTI, Bangalore.
Srinivas Godavarthi ( 2007-2009)- PhD from Mexico CINVESTAV
Arnab Biswas (2008-10)–PhD, EPFL-lausanne, Switzerland
Sathy Swaroop (2008-10)- PhD, IISc Blr
Hraziia (2008-10)– PhD, ISEP France
Sandeep M–Analyst, Dolcera , Hydrabad.
Bhanuchandra M- Erasmus Mundus Fellow -SINCHEM
Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of
the department.
Focused research and teaching in Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics.
Dedicated facilities for synthesis, characterization, modeling and simulation.
Lack of faculty strength
Limited space
Massive academic load
Enormous opportunity for extended research, technology development and
training, but shortage of staff and massive academic load.
Desire to compete with current technology development and build appropriate
research competences to put VIT in the global map..
Future plans of the department.
To take large scale funded sponsored projects if additional manpower is available. We
also would like to establish major international collaborations.