Center for Nanobiotechnology
Page 415
,A review on the corrosion inhibition of Aluminium with
special reference to green inhibitors,
journal of Recent Scientific Research
. 3(2) ,61 (2012)
Recent Scientific
P.A.Jeeva, S.Karthikeyan , S.Narayanan, Quantum
mechanical studies of thio compounds on the corrosion
inhibition of mild steel in acidic media,
Journal of Pharmatech Research
. 4 (4), 1422-1427
International Journal of
Pharmatech Research
P.A.Jeeva, S.Karthikeyan, S.Narayanan, A review on
electrodeposition of hard chrome plating,
Journal of
Chemical Research letters
. 1, 10-14 (2012)
Journal of Chemical
Research letters
Umasankar, V., Karthikeyan, S., Anthony Xavier, M., The
retardation of dissolution of Al-SiC composites in acidic
medium-A green approach,
Journal of Corrosion Science
and Engineering
. 16, 45 (2013)
Journal of Corrosion
Science and
Engineering (U.K.)
Arivarasu, M., Manikandan, M., Gokulkumar, K.,
Karthikeyan, S., Devendranath Ramkumar, K., Studies on
weldment corrosion in different corrosive environments,
Anthony Xavier, M.,
Journal of Corrosion Science and
. 16,44 (2013)
Journal of Corrosion
Science and
Engineering (U.K.)
Umasankar, V., Karthikeyan, S., Anthony Xavier, M., A
novel inhibition of corrosion of Al-SiC composites in acidic
Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering
16 (2013)
Journal of Corrosion
Science and
Engineering (U.K.)
S.Karthikeyan, N.Arivazhagan, D.Ramkumar, S.Narayanan
, Performance characteristics of 1, 3-diorthotolyl thiourea
on the corrosion of mild steel in 5% NaCl,
Journal of
Corrosion Science &Engineering
. 16, 14 (2013)
Journal of Corrosion
Science and
Engineering (U.K.)
S.Karthikeyan, N.Arivazhagan, S.Narayanan , Ethane-2-
sulfonamide: A novel inhibitor for the corrosion of mild
steel in 1N HCl,
Journal of Corrosion Science
16, 13 (2013)
Journal of Corrosion
Science and
Engineering (U.K.)
S.Karthikeyan, P.A.Jeeva, N.Arivazhagan, V.Raj,
S.Narayanan, Improvement of corrosion resistance of
anodized aluminium surfaces.
Journal of Corrosion
Science & Engineering.
16, 10 (2013)
Journal of Corrosion
Science and
Engineering (U.K.)
N.V.Lakshmi, S.Karthikeyan,N.Arivazhagan, The corrosion
inhibition of Aluminium in 3.5% NaCl by diisopropyl
International Journal of ChemTech Research
International Journal of
ChemTech Research