Page 25 - NAAC-Volume-3

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Center for Disaster Mitigation and Management
Page 395
"Determination of reservoir induced earthquake using support vector machine and
Gaussian process regression", Client: Structural System Laboratory, Kunsan
National University, Jeonbuk, July 2013. (Consultant: Prof. Pijush Samui., Amount:
0.23 Lakh.)
“SPT – based liquefaction potential assessment by relevance vector machine
approach”, Client : Structural System Laboratory (SSL), Department of Civil
Engineering, Kunsan National University, Jeonbuk, May 2013. (Consultant: Prof.
Pijush Samui., Amount 0.12 Lakh.)
“Preparation of Zonation map to ascertain seismic zone”, Client : L&T
Construction, December 2012. (Consultant : G.P.Ganapathy., Amount 0.05 Lakh.)
"Modeling of reservoir induced earthquake a multivariate adapative regression
spline ", Client: Structural System Laboratory (SSL), Kunsan National University,
Jeonbuk, August 2012. (Consultant: Prof. Pijush Samui., Amount: 0.26 Lakh.)
"Determination of Compression Index for Marine Clay: A Relevance Vector
Machine Approach", Client: Structural System Laboratory (SSL), Kunsan National
University, Jeonbuk, July 2012. (Consultant: Prof. Pijush Samui., Amount: 0.21
"Least Square Support vector machine and multivariate adaptive regression spline
for modeling lateral load capacity of piles", Client: Structural System Laboratory
(SSL), Kunsan National University, Jeonbuk, July 2012. (Consultant: Prof. Pijush
Samui., Amount: 0.26 Lakh.)
"Non Destructive Testing of Sewage Treatment plant - 30 MLD", Client: Triveni
Engineering & Industries Ltd., Noida, Hyderabad, February 2012. (Consultant:
Prof. Sekar. S. K. and Prof. Rama Mohan Rao. P., Amount: 5.79 Lakhs.)
"Utilization of support vector machine for prediction of fracture parameters of
concrete", Client: Structural System Laboratory, Kunsan National University,
Jeonbuk, February 2012. (Consultant: Prof. Pijush Samui., Amount: 0.23 Lakh.)
"Loss Database Data Collector", Client : United Nations International Strategy for
Disaster Reduction Secretariat (UNISDR), Jeneva, January 2012. ( Consultant :
Ganapathy. G. P., Amount 3.45 Lakh.)
"Non Destructive Testing of Sewage Treatment plant", Client: Triveni Engineering
& Industries Ltd., Noida, Hyderabad, January 2012. (Consultant: Prof. Sekar. S.
K. and Prof. Rama Mohan Rao. P., Amount: 1.50 Lakhs.)
"Prediction of uplift capacity of suction caisson in clay", Client: Structural System
Laboratory, Kunsan National University, South Korea, November 2011.
(Consultant: Prof. Pijush Samui., Amount: 0.26 Lakh.)
"Non Destructive Testing of Sewage Treatment plant 5 MLD capacity",
Kukatpally, HMDA, Hyderabad. Client: Enhanced WAPP systems India (P)
Limited, New Delhi. October 2011. (Consultant: Prof. Sekar. S. K. and Prof. Rama
Mohan Rao. P., Amount: 1.40 Lakh.)
"A case study on the compression index of marine clay in the east coast of South
Korea", May 2011. (Consultant: Prof. Pijush Samui, Amount: 0.19 Lakh).
"Non - Destructive Evaluation of Multistoried RCC Building at Chennai",
B & B Developers and Builders (P) Ltd., Vellore, March 2011. (Consultant: Prof.
Sekar. S. K. and Prof. Rama Mohan Rao. P., Amount:
0.97 Lakh).
"Non - Destructive Evaluation of RCC columns, lift walls and shear walls using
NDT techniques”, B & B Developers and Builders (P) Ltd., Vellore, February
2011. (Consultant: Prof. Sekar. S. K. and Prof. Rama Mohan Rao. P, Amount:
0.85 Lakh).