Center for Disaster Mitigation and Management
Page 389
26. Pijush Samui (2012), “A Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline (Mars) for
Prediction of Elastic Modulus Jointed Rock Mass”, An International Journal of
Geotech Geol Eng, 1-5 November.
27. Vaani. N., Sekar. S. K. (2012) Regional landslide hazard zonation and vulnerability
analysis using AHP and GIS- A case study of Nilgiris district, Tamilnadu, India,
International journal of Disaster Advances, vol. 5(4), pp. 171-176, October.
28. Pijush Samui, Dwarkadas Pralhaddas Kothari (2012), “A Multivariate Adaptive
Regression Spline Approach for Prediction of Maximum Shear Modulus and
Minimum Damping Ratio”, An International Journal of Engineering Journal 15(5) ,
70 - 77, October.
29. Pijush Samui, Dookie Kim, Sarat Das and Gil Lim Yoon(2012), “Determination of
Compression Index for Marine Clay: A Relevance Vector Machine Approach”,
International Journal of Marine Geotechnology, 30 : 1 - 9 September.
30. Pijush Samui, Kangeyanallore Govindaswamy Shanmugam Gopinath, Soumen Pal,
Bimal Kumar Sarkar (2012), “ Support Vector Machine and Relevance Vector
Machine for Prediction of Alumina and Pore Volume Fraction in bioceramics”,
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, August.
31. Ganapathy. G. P., Ajay. S., Rajawat (2012), “Evaluation of liquefaction potential
hazard of Chennai city, India : using geological and geomorphological
characteristics”, International Journal of National Hazard, 64 : 1717 - 1729 August.
32. Pijush Samui, Dookie Kim (2012), “Modelling of reservoir-induced earthquakes: a
multivariate adaptive regression spline”, International Journal of Geophysics and
Engineering , 9 : 1 - 4 August.
33. Pijush Samui (2012), “Support Vector Classifiers for Prediction of Pile Foundation
Performance in Liquefied Ground During Earthquakes”, International Journal of
Geotechnical Earthquakes Engineering, 3(2) : 42 - 58 July - December.
34. Pijush Samui. (2012), “Application of Relevance Vector Machine for Prediction of
Ultimate Capacity of Driven Piles in Cohesionless Soils”, An International Journal of
Geotech Goel Eng, DOI. 10. 1007 / 10706 - 012 - 9539 - 9, July.
35. Pijush Samui, Dookie Kim (2012), “Least square support vector machine and
multivariate adaptive regression spline for modeling lateral load capacity of piles”, An
International Journal of Neural Comput & Apple, July.
36. Pijush Samui (2012), “Advance in Data Driven Flood Forecasting using Radar Data”,
An International Journal of Flood Engineering, 2(1-2) January –December , pp 129-
37. Pijush Samui.,Pradeep Kurup (2012) , “Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline and
Least Square Support Vector Machine for Prediction of Undrained Shear Strength of
Clay”, An International Journal of Metaheuristic Computing 3(2) , 33-42 April-June.
38. Pijush Samui.,Pradeep Kurup (2012) , “Support vector classifier analysis of slope”,
An International Journal of Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk Vol-00, No.00,pp.1-
12, April
39. Sekar.S.K, S.S.Asadi, B.V.T.Vasantha Rao. (2012)., “Creation of physical
charactistics information for Natural Resources Management Using Remote sensing
and GIS : A Model study”, An International Journal of Modern Engineering Research
(IJMES)Vol.2,Issue.2,Mar-Apr-2012,pp. 226-232
40. Pijush Samui., Prasanna H.Gowda., Thomas Oommen, Terry A.Howell, Thomas H.
Marek and Dana O.Porter. (2012) , “Statistical learning algorithms for identifying
contrasting tillage practices with Landsat Thematic Mapper data”, An International
Journal of Remote Sensing , March., Vol.33, No.18, pp 5732-5745