Centre for Bioseparation Technology
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viii. Targeted delivery of ‘Lectin-Flavanoid’ complex by coupling with nano-particles
(IN-410168) – (B. Chandra Shekar Reddy)
ix. Optimization of linkers for joining VH and VL of recombinant ScFv (IN-410170) –
(Dr. Sushma K.)
Areas of consultancy and income generated
BIA Platform of Excellence at CBST (BIA-PEC): A MoU signed between BIA
Separations, Slovenia and CBST, VIT University, India.
Development of newer Chromatographic tools and technologies for Proteomics: Agilent
Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. and CBST, VIT University, India.
European Union COBIK project.
SPAN Diagnostics, France and India.
BIOCON, India; PALL Life Sciences, France.
Bharath Biotech, Hyderabad, India
Venkateshwara Hatcheries Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions /
industries in India and abroad
Faculty serving in
National committees b) International committees c) Editorial Boards d) any other
(please specify)
Dr. M.A. Vijayalakshmi, Director, CBST
Serving as: 1. European Editor, International Journal of BioChromatography, (IJBC); 2.
Member Editorial Board, Journal of Molecular Recognition; 3. Founder Member and
General Treasurer of European Society of Biochromatography (ESBC), PARIS France
and as reviewer for many international and national journals.
Dr. Ayesha Noor, Asst. Prof.
Serving as a reviewer: 1. Journal of Life Sciences; 2. Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Zagreb, CROATIA; 3. Academia Journal of Medicinal Plants; 4. Journal of
Plant Biochemistry and Physiology; 5. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and
Alternative Medicine
Dr. N.S. Jayaprakash, Asst. Prof. Sr.
Serving as a reviewer: 1. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology; 2. McGraw
Hill Education
Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by
1. Prof. M. A. Vijayalakshmi, Director, CBST was awarded “The Great Prize of SBCN”
by the Society for Biochromatography and Nanoseparations, for her extensive
contribution to the field of separation science.
2. Prof. M. A. Vijayalakshmi, Director, CBST was awarded the “Industrial Development
award-CIM” in June 2010 by BIA Separations, Slovenia for her scientific contribution to
CIM technology and Industrial development. The developmental work was done at
CBST, VIT University, India.