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School of Electrical Engineering
Page 269
considered an appropriate length of time to respond to changes in the profession
and make improvisation in the program. However, the three year cycle also
assures that the program contents are not altered for a student during his/her four
year study period.
The input needed for the evaluation of objectives is collected from all constituents.
However, the emphasis has been to collect the input from the employers, alumni,
and the members of the Advisory Board. Student Outcomes are assessed every
year. The objectives are evaluated at the end of the 3rd year and at the end of the
sixth year. The input for the evaluation comes from: 1) Alumni Survey, 2)
Employer Survey and 3) Advisory Board Meetings.
The process of evaluating the achievement of the educational objectives of the
program is based on the input from the alumni and the industry. These inputs are
considered by the Industry Advisory Board as part of the ongoing curriculum
The input on the level of achievement of the program was gathered primarily
through the survey of the alumni and the employers. These survey results along
with the results of the focus group meetings of the Industrial Advisory Board
enabled us to determine the level of achievement of the objectives and facilitated
corrective action to close the ‘quality loop’.
Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities.
In organizing workshop, conference, guest lectures and in carrying out
administration activities like establishing new labs,etc.
There are 32 clubs and 34 chapters are there in the university to enrich the co and
extracurricular activities of the students.
All the faculties in the school are member in various professional societies like
Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department.
Thursday research Seminar
Proctor Day
Industrial Visit
Mentoring Jr. faculty members by Seniors
Professional Society Activities
Faculty get together
State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies? If yes,
give details. – YES
B.Tech (EEE) – ABET Inc. (111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, Maryland
21202-4012, USA)
Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic
or applied.
We are creating the students to meet the needs of industries in energy
management system, instrumentation, industrial automation, renewable energy
Students are also doing research towards their M.S. and Ph.D degree in the
frontier areas of electrical , Electronics and instrumentation engineering.
The department has also generated major and minor facilities, laboratories with
industrial collaboration for generating knowledge in upcoming areas.
Detail five major
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the