School of Social Sciences and Languages
Page 360
or applied.
Creating basic account knowledge
Creating applied knowledge on computer
Communication skill and personality development
Mock interview for placement /Higher studies
Detail five major
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the
Offering different languages courses like Chinese, Spanish, French,
German, Hindi ,Tamil etc.
Classical music for Engineering students
Special course on Indian heritage and culture, ethics and values
Special laboratory for soft skills and E-commerce
Faculty Development Programme for the other department faculty
No post graduate course has been offered
No research lab has not been established
Majority of students are from Vellore district
Providing subsidiaries for paper presentation in other institutions
Motivating the faculty members in publication and research award
Offering Sabbatical leave for the higher studies
Encouraging Faculty exchange programme with foreign universities
Signing MOU with foreign universities for exchange of students
Updating of curriculum according to the industrial expectations
Moulding the students to coup up with the environment
Motivating the Cross cultural diversity among the students
Future plans of the School.
M.Com (Computer Applications)
M.A (Political Science)
Each faculty member will have a publication in scopus indexed journal
and funded project
Finance Research Lab
All faculty should complete their Ph. D before 2016